zaterdag 7 april 2012

Verrijzenisbroodjes bakken

Dit is echt super leuk! Samen met je kinderen 'Verrijzenisbroodjes' bakken: Het is echt super simpel: met kant-en-klaar-croissantdeeg, marshmellows, wat boter, suiker en kaneel, maak je ze en ondertussen vertel je het verhaal van Jezus begrafenis. Even in de oven (het graf) en "Alleluia, alleluia!" Het graf is leeg, Jezus is verrezen! Een idee van

How to Make Resurrection Rolls, aka "Empty Tomb" Rolls

April 4, 2011 By Lacy

Looking for a fun way to teach your kids about the true meaning of Easter this year? Making resurrection rolls is super easy, and they’re really yummy! I’m going to give you the recipe for resurrection rolls, and step by step directions on how to use them to teach your kids about the Easter story!
Ingredients Needed to make Resurrection Rolls:
  • *Canned Crescent Rolls
  • Small bowl of melted butter
  • Small bowl of Cinnamon/Sugar Mixture
  • Large Marshmallows
*I’ve had a lot of emails asking about “canned crescent rolls” from other countries, and also people who just prefer home-made, so you can find a recipe for resurrection rolls here that makes them totally from scratch! “From scratch” really isn’t my thing, but it might be for you! ;-)
These are something you make with your child, because they’re a fun Easter lesson activity. Before beginning, melt your butter, preheat your oven to the temperature on your crescent roll can, and cover your pan in parchment paper or aluminum foil, because the melted marshmallows can get messy!
Give each child a marshmallow, and tell them it represents Jesus. Have them dip it into the melted butter, and then roll it in the cinnamon sugar. These represent the oil and spices used to prepare Jesus’ body for burial.
Now give each child a crescent roll, and have them wrap up the marshmallow tightly, pinching it closed as much as possible. The roll represents the linen cloths that Jesus’ body was wrapped in.
Place your rolls into the oven, which symbolizes the tomb. Bake according to package directions, and pretend it has been 3 days! ;-)
While the resurrection rolls baked, the marshmallow melted away, leaving an “empty tomb”. Isn’t that cool?! Jesus has risen! Alleluia, Alleluia! :-)
These are super easy to put together! They are really yummy and sweet- very similar to cinnamon rolls. We like to eat them for breakfast on Easter morning. They also work well as a religious Easter snack for later in the day. Have fun teaching your kids the true meaning of Easter! God bless! :-)

vrijdag 6 april 2012

Kruisweg bidden met kinderen online

Vandaag om 15.00 netjes met de kinderen naar de kerk getogen om met hen de Kruisweg te bidden. Was de hele kerk leeg! Misschien dat ze hem echt zijn gaan wandelen...? In ieder geval, thuis aangekomen wil je toch nog wel de kruisweg bidden met je kinderen. Thank God there is internet! Online vond ik een kruisweg, speciaal voor kinderen. Hij begint zo:
by Lucille Perrotta Castro
Stations are places where people wait while they are going from one place to another. A school-bus stop is like a station. People wait at train stations or bus stations or airports. Think of some stations where you have been.
Stations are also places where people take time to think about Jesus as he went to die on a cross. They are “Stations of the Cross.” They show us how much Jesus loved us.
You do not have to think of all of the Stations of the Cross on one day. You may want to stay at one Station with Jesus for a few days before you move to another Station. Whatever you decide, Jesus is with you and he loves you.

De kinderen hebben ademloos meegebeden, gezellig bij mama op schoot, ja, voor de laptop! Hier is de link van de site die ik gebruikt heb:

donderdag 5 april 2012

Modus Operandi bij Joodse Paasmaaltijd

In mijn vorige bericht stond hoe je een Joodse Paasmaaltijd met je gezin kon houden. Hieronder een Nederlandse vertaling:

Riten bij de Joodse Paasmaaltijd.
1. Steek de kaars aan. Zeg, “Gezegend zijt Gij, Heer onze God, Koning van het heelal, die ons heiligt door het bloed van de Messias, en ons vraagt een licht voor alle mensen te zijn en die ons Jezus gaf, onze Messias, het licht van de wereld.”
2. Zegen de eerste beker vruchtensap. "We nemen de kiddush beker en verkondigen de heiligheid van deze Dag van Bevrijding!” Iedereen drinkt van het vruchtensap.
3. De groene groenten staan voor de hysop dat gebruikt was om het bloed van het Paaslam op de deurposten te smeren. Wanneer je het volgende zegt, mag iedereen een stukje groente pakken en in het zoute water dopen. Zeg, "Gezegend zijt Gij, Heer onze God, Koning van het heelal, Schepper van de vruchten van de aarde.”
4. Hierna mag iedereen een matze pakken, omhoog houden en samen zeggen, "Dit is het brood van het verdriet, het armenbrood, wat onze voorvaderen aten in het land van Egypte. Laat allen die honger hebben komen en eten. Laat allen die nood hebben delen in onze hoop op Pasen.”
Iedereen legt de matze terug op de schaal.
5. Schenk een tweede beker sap in terwijl het het verhaal van de Joodse bevrijding vertelt uit Exodus 12. Iedereen drinkt ervan.
6. Laat het geroosterde bot zien en zeg, “Onze voorvaderen in Egypte werden gered door het bloed van een lam. Hiermee gedenken we dat God zijn volk redde van Farao's oordeel tegen hen.”
7. Houdt de mirre (het bittere kruid omhoog) en zeg, “De Egyptenaren maakten het leven van onze voorvaderen bitter, Het bittere kruid spreekt van het verdriet.” Houdt de Charoseth omhoog en zeg, “Dit staat voor het cement waarmee de Joden de gebouwen moesten metselen voor de Egyptische steden.” Meng de mirre en de charoseth. Zet het terug tussen twee stukken matze en iedereen mag ervan eten.
8. Schenk een derde beker sap in. Zeg, “Gezegend zijt Gij, Heer onze God, Koning van het heelal, die de vrucht van de wijngaard maakte.”Iedereen drinkt ervan.
9. Wijs naar het ei op de schaal. Zeg, “Het ei wordt niet aangeraakt omdat het het symbool is voor het offer. Jezus werd geofferd voor onze zonden.”
10. Schenk een vierde beker sap in en zeg, “De verlossing is nog niet compleet. De vierde beker laat ons denken aan ons Verbond met de Eeuwige, aan de taken die ons, als geroepen volk, tot de dienst van onze God nog wachten, en aan het grote doel waarvoor het volk van Israel leeft: Het behoud en de bevestiging van de hoop.”
11. Nu mogen de kinderen lofliederen zingen. Sluit dan af met: “De Heer heeft aan ons gedacht. Hij zal ons zegenen. Hij zal het huis van Israel zegenen. Hij zal iedereen zegenen die de Heer vereren, de kleinen en de groten.”

woensdag 4 april 2012

Boodschappenlijstje voor de Joodse Paasmaaltijd:

In mijn vorige bericht stond uitgebreid beschreven hoe je - net als Jezus - een Joodse Paasmaaltijd kunt vieren op Witte Donderdag. Vandaag is het dan tijd voor de boodschappen! Dit heb je nodig:

Lam (met bot)
Matzes of ander ongerezen brood
Bitter kruid, zoals mirre, radijs of ui
Voor de charoseth: appels, rozijnen, noten, vijgen en honing


dinsdag 3 april 2012

Tips voor het vieren van de Goede Week met kinderen

Deze en nog veel meer tips vond ik op Kijk ook eens op: voor meer grappige, inspirerende ideeen, materialen en tips.

The Thursday before Easter is called Maundy Thursday. The name Maundy is Latin for "command," and it refers to the new commandment Jesus gave his disciples to love one another. Many churches celebrate this day with an Agape Feast, footwashing service, or observance of communion. As an option, use this Seder Meal to celebrate Passover as Jesus did with his disciples on this night.

by Mary Brauch Petersen
Lead children in a traditional Seder Meal to help them understand the role of Passover and its connection to the Lamb of God at Easter.
Throughout the world each year, Passover is celebrated by Jewish families as a remembrance of how God freed their ancestors from slavery. This gathering is the most significant home event of the year. The Seder meal is an important part of this celebration.
• Special Foods -- You'll need lamb -- either roasted or in a stew; a roasted bone; unleavened bread or matzo crackers; a pitcher of grape juice; maror or bitter herbs, such as horseradish, onions, and radish; charoseth -- a mixture of ground apples, raisins, nuts, figs, and honey; baked eggs; parsley; lettuce; celery; and salt water.
You'll also need a large Seder plate in the center of the table and cups. The plate contains the foods used during the service to represent the life of the Hebrews in Egypt.
•The Seder Ceremony -- The Seder meal itself contains several parts. This service is based on a Messianic Jewish order of service called a Haggada. Adjust the service and include the prayers that are special or important to you. Follow this order:
1. Light a candle. Say, "Blessed are you, oh Lord our God, King of the Universe, who sanctified us by the blood of the Messiah and commanded us to be a light for the nations and gave us Jesus, our Messiah, the light of the world."
2. Bless the first cup of juice. "We take up the kiddush cup and proclaim the holiness of this Day of Deliverance!" Everyone drinks the juice.
3. The green vegetables represent the hyssop that was used to place the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorposts. As you say the following, everyone takes a green vegetable and dips it into the salt water. Say, "Blessed are You, oh Lord our God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruits of the earth."
4. Next, everyone takes a matzo, holds it up, and says together, "This is the bread of affliction, the poor bread, which our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt. Let all who are hungry come and eat. Let all who are in want share the hope of Passover."
Everyone places the matzo back on the plate.
5. Pour a second glass of juice as you tell the story of the Hebrews' deliverance in Exodus 12. Everyone drinks.
6. Show the roasted bone and say, "Our ancestors in Egypt were spared by the blood of a lamb. This reminds us that God delivered his people from Pharaoh's judgment against them."
7. Hold up the maror and say, "The Egyptians made the lives of our forefathers bitter. The bitter herb speaks of sorrow." Hold up the charoseth and say, "This represents the mortar the Hebrews were forced to use building the Egyptian cities." Mix the maror and charoseth. Place them between two pieces of matzo, and everyone eats.
8. Pour a third cup of juice. Say, "Blessed are you, oh Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine." Everyone drinks.
9. Point out the egg on the plate. Say, "The egg is not touched because it symbolizes sacrifice. Jesus was sacrificed for our sins."
10. Pour a fourth cup of juice and say, "The redemption is not yet complete. The fourth cup recalls us to our covenant with the Eternal One, to the tasks that still await us as people called to the service of God, to a great purpose for which the people of Israel live: the preservation and affirmation of hope."
11. Lead children in singing praise songs. Then close by saying, "The Lord has remembered us. He will bless us. He will bless the house of Israel. He will bless those who revere the Lord, the small as well as the great."

vrijdag 30 maart 2012

Tip van de dag: Flylady

Mijn tip voor alle vaders en moeders voor deze dag is de website Via Flylady kun je "vlieglessen" volgen in het "ontklonteren" van je huishouden. Iedere dag wordt je via emails gecoacht om babystapjes te maken in het onderhouden van je( t)huis. En wie kan dat nou niet gebruiken?

"Don’t know where to start first? Begin by reading the FLYing Lessons! Here are some to get you started:
  • Shine your sink – this is your first task as a FlyBaby, and also the foundation of FlyLady. It all begins with a shiny sink!
  • Getting dressed to shoes – FlyLady believes that you feel and act differently when you are completely dressed with shoes on your feet, even if you’re not leaving the house. It makes you feel ready to go! Read FlyLady’s essay about why you should get dressed to shoes every day.
  • BabySteps – As FlyLady says, "Your home did not get dirty in one day, and it will not get clean in a day either."
  • Declutter 15 minutes a day – FlyLady’s principle is that anyone can do anything for 15 minutes. Just set a timer and declutter something for 15 minutes, and then stop when the timer goes off!
  • Take regular breaks – Cleaning doesn’t need to be a marathon! Take 15-minute breaks after a round of decluttering to rest your mind, calm yourself, and plan what you want to do next.
  • FlyLady’s 11 commandments – FlyLady’s commandments that will help you begin to FLY. "
FlyLady cartoon

donderdag 29 maart 2012

Chesterton zei het al...

"When domesticity, for instance, is called drudgery,
all the difficulty arises from a double meaning in the word.
If drudgery only means dreadfully hard work, I admit the woman
drudges in the home, as a man might drudge at the Cathedral of Amiens
or drudge behind a gun at Trafalgar. But if it means that the hard
work is more heavy because it is trifling, colorless and of small
import to the soul, then as I say, I give it up; I do not know
what the words mean. To be Queen Elizabeth within a definite area,
deciding sales, banquets, labors and holidays; to be Whiteley
within a certain area, providing toys, boots, sheets cakes.
and books, to be Aristotle within a certain area, teaching morals,
manners, theology, and hygiene; I can understand how this might
exhaust the mind, but I cannot imagine how it could narrow it.
How can it be a large career to tell other people’s children about
the Rule of Three, and a small career to tell one’s own children
about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing
to everyone, and narrow to be everything to someone? No; a woman’s
function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it
is minute. I will pity Mrs. Jones for the hugeness of her task;
I will never pity her for its smallness."

G K Chesterton, "What is Wrong with the World"

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Nieuw in de lucht: De Family Rocks Blog. Wordt geinspireerd om je dagelijkse familieleven mooier, beter en leuker te maken.
Luister ook iedere week naar Family Rocks op Radio Maria, AM 675 op op (maandag om 14.00 uur en zondag om 21.00 uur)