vrijdag 30 maart 2012

Tip van de dag: Flylady

Mijn tip voor alle vaders en moeders voor deze dag is de website Flylady.net. Via Flylady kun je "vlieglessen" volgen in het "ontklonteren" van je huishouden. Iedere dag wordt je via emails gecoacht om babystapjes te maken in het onderhouden van je( t)huis. En wie kan dat nou niet gebruiken?

"Don’t know where to start first? Begin by reading the FLYing Lessons! Here are some to get you started:
  • Shine your sink – this is your first task as a FlyBaby, and also the foundation of FlyLady. It all begins with a shiny sink!
  • Getting dressed to shoes – FlyLady believes that you feel and act differently when you are completely dressed with shoes on your feet, even if you’re not leaving the house. It makes you feel ready to go! Read FlyLady’s essay about why you should get dressed to shoes every day.
  • BabySteps – As FlyLady says, "Your home did not get dirty in one day, and it will not get clean in a day either."
  • Declutter 15 minutes a day – FlyLady’s principle is that anyone can do anything for 15 minutes. Just set a timer and declutter something for 15 minutes, and then stop when the timer goes off!
  • Take regular breaks – Cleaning doesn’t need to be a marathon! Take 15-minute breaks after a round of decluttering to rest your mind, calm yourself, and plan what you want to do next.
  • FlyLady’s 11 commandments – FlyLady’s commandments that will help you begin to FLY. "
FlyLady cartoon

donderdag 29 maart 2012

Chesterton zei het al...

"When domesticity, for instance, is called drudgery,
all the difficulty arises from a double meaning in the word.
If drudgery only means dreadfully hard work, I admit the woman
drudges in the home, as a man might drudge at the Cathedral of Amiens
or drudge behind a gun at Trafalgar. But if it means that the hard
work is more heavy because it is trifling, colorless and of small
import to the soul, then as I say, I give it up; I do not know
what the words mean. To be Queen Elizabeth within a definite area,
deciding sales, banquets, labors and holidays; to be Whiteley
within a certain area, providing toys, boots, sheets cakes.
and books, to be Aristotle within a certain area, teaching morals,
manners, theology, and hygiene; I can understand how this might
exhaust the mind, but I cannot imagine how it could narrow it.
How can it be a large career to tell other people’s children about
the Rule of Three, and a small career to tell one’s own children
about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing
to everyone, and narrow to be everything to someone? No; a woman’s
function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it
is minute. I will pity Mrs. Jones for the hugeness of her task;
I will never pity her for its smallness."

G K Chesterton, "What is Wrong with the World"

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Nieuw in de lucht: De Family Rocks Blog. Wordt geinspireerd om je dagelijkse familieleven mooier, beter en leuker te maken.
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